Managino Price comparators

Price comparators or we all have competition

Are you new to the market and no one knows your company? Comparators are a great way to break through


What cooperation with us looks like

Stand out from the competition

Every current business has its competition. Price comparators will display your product alongside other similar ones to give the consumer the most accurate overview of the market. But how do you get yours to land in their shopping cart? Price is not always the most important thing. Whether a consumer buys or not often depends on reviews, delivery conditions, or shipping prices. However, there are lots of improvements that will make your product more attractive among others.

Become known among potential customers

Are you new to the market and not many people know your company? Comparators are a great way to break through. Consumers wander there especially when they know what product they need and are just looking for the right e-shop to order it from. And that's when you have the opportunity to effectively address them. However, this does not mean that comparators are intended only for starting e-shops. They are becoming more and more popular among consumers day by day, and that is why they should not be missing in any communication portfolio.

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on price comparison sites?

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Show up correctly

A key part of proper advertising on comparators is a correctly set XML file, i.e. feed. A properly set feed will ensure that in case of any changes in the availability, prices or other parameters of your products, the changes will be displayed automatically on the comparators.

Successfully implemented projects

AUTOvybava | Campaign automation in the BlueWinston tool and A/B testing Discovery Ads formats

Our cooperation with the client first started with the use of the <span class="underline">CSS Shopping in EU service</span>, which ensured lower prices per click in Shopping ads and also a higher number of impressions and clicks for the original budget.

Cost per conversion
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AUTO RICAMBI | Campaigns for AutoRicambi brought a higher conversion value by +176%

For AutoRicambi, we have chosen a campaign structure built to advertise not only specific products, but also product codes and selected categories. We advertise products and original part codes through BlueWinston. We have created manual campaigns for the most common combinations of keywords (categorical campaigns) directly through Google Ads.

Order value
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